The Wealth of Nations: By Adam Smith - Illustrated

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CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Oct 25, 2017 - Fiction - 652 pages
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The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations, is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist and moral philosopher Adam Smith. The book offers one of the world's first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is today a fundamental work in classical economics. By reflecting upon the economics at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the book touches upon such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets. An important theme that persists throughout the work is the idea that the economic system is automatic, and, when left with substantial freedom, able to regulate itself. This is often referred to as the "invisible hand." The ability to self-regulate and to ensure maximum efficiency, however, is threatened by monopolies, tax preferences, lobbying groups, and other "privileges" extended to certain members of the economy at the expense of others. It also explains how the poor should be treated, and how their workplaces overall destroy them mentally, making them incapable for any other positions.

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