Role of Silicon in Plants

Front Cover
Rupesh K. Deshmukh, Jian Feng Ma, Richard R. Bélanger
Frontiers Media SA, Dec 6, 2017

 Silicon (Si) is gaining increased attention in the farming sector because of its beneficial effects observed in several crop species, particularly under stress conditions. The magnitude of benefits is predominantly observed in plant species that can accumulate Si above a certain threshold.  Therefore, deciphering the molecular mechanisms and genetic factors conferring a plant ability to take up silicon is necessary. Along these lines, several efforts have been made to identify the specific genes regulating Si uptake and distribution in plant tissues. This information finds its usefulness in identifying Si-competent species, and could eventually lead to improving this ability in low-accumulating species. The successful exploitation of Si in agriculture depends highly on the understanding of different Si properties including plant-available Si from the soil, transport within tissues, deposition in planta, and Si effect on different metabolic and physiological processes.  In addition, a better comprehension of external factors influencing Si uptake and deposition in plant tissue remains important. A plant can take up Si efficiently only in the form of silicic acid and most soils, despite containing high concentrations of Si, are deficient in plant-available Si.  Consequently, soil amendment with fertilizers rich in plant-available Si is now viewed as an affordable option to protect plants from the biotic and abiotic stresses and achieve more sustainable cropping management worldwide. Articles compiled in the present research topic touch upon several aspects of Si properties and functionality in plants. The information will be helpful to further our understanding of the role of Si and contribute to exploit the benefits plants derive from it.  



Role of Silicon in Plants
Exogenous Silicon Attenuates CadmiumInduced Oxidative Stress in Brassica napus L by Modulating AsAGSH Pathway and Glyoxalase System
SiliconMediated Alleviationof Aluminum Toxicity by Modulationof AlSi Uptake and Antioxidant Performance in Ryegrass Plants
A Review
Evidence for Active Uptake and Deposition of Sibased Defenses in Tall Fescue
Exogenous Supplementation of Silicon Improved the Recovery of Hyperhydric Shoots in Dianthus caryophyllus L by Stabilizing the Physiology and...
Silicon Regulates Potential Genes Involved in Major Physiological Processes in Plants to Combat Stress
The Role of Aquaporins
Silicon Transporters and Effects of Silicon Amendments in Strawberry under High Tunnel and Field Conditions
Uptake of Silicon by Sugarcane from Applied Sources May Not Reflect PlantAvailable Soil Silicon and Total Silicon Content of Sources
Current Knowledge and Technological Perspectives
An Analysis of the Investment Efficiency of Si Transporters
An ABC Transporter Is Involved in the SiliconInduced Formation of Casparian Bands in the Exodermis of Rice
Variation between Different Cell Types
Expression of Genes for Si Uptake Accumulation and Correlation of Si with Other Elements in Ionome of Maize Kernel
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Role of Silicon on PlantPathogen Interactions
Silicon Supplementation Alters the Composition of Herbivore Induced Plant Volatiles and Enhances Attraction of Parasitoids to Infested Rice Plants

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