Los Pilares de la Tierra

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Nuevas Ediciones de Bolsillo, Nov 2, 2001 - Cathedrals - 568 pages
El gran maestro de las novelas de acción y de suspense lleva al lector a la Edad Media para sumirlo en un fascinante mundo con reyes, damas, caballeros y luchas feudales. El amor y la muerte se entrecruzan constantemente en este magistral tapiz que tiene como centro la construcción de una catedral gótica. "Los pilares de la tierra" comienza con el ahorcamiento público de un inocente y acaba con la humillación de un rey. Esta novela ha obtenido un éxito internacional sin precedentes en los últimos tiempos.

About the author (2001)

Ken Follett was born in Wales on June 5, 1949. He received an Honours degree in philosophy from University College, London. He began his career as a newspaper reporter for the South Wales Echo and later with the London Evening News. He decided to switch to publishing and worked for a small London publishing house, Everest Books, eventually becoming Deputy Managing Director. His first bestselling novel, Eye of the Needle, won the Edgar Award. His other works include The Key to Rebecca, Lay Down with Lions, The Pillars of the Earth, The Third Twin, The Hammer of Eden, Code to Zero, Whiteout, World Without End, The Century Trilogy and Fall of Giants. Many of his novels have been adapted into films and television miniseries. He has won numerous awards including the Corine Prize in 2003 for Jackdaws and the Olaguibel Prize by the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro for contributing to the promotion and awareness of architecture in 2008.

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