El gran Gatsby

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Debolsillo, 2013 - Fiction - 184 pages
Jay Gatsby, el caballero que reina sobre West Egg, es el arquetipo de los legendarios años veinte en los que todo parecía posible, tiempo de felicidad entre el horror de la Primera Guerra Mundial y la barbarie de la Segunda. Con los demás protagonistas, forma parte de la Generación Perdida, los «jóvenes tristes» que personificaron el mito de la pasión y el desafecto, la literatura que se funde con la vida.Publicada por primera vez en 1925, El gran Gatsby está considerada La Gran Novela Americana. Simboliza el triunfo, la perpetua juventud y el deslumbramiento que desembocan en la tragedia, la decadencia y la caída, vicisitudes reflejadas con asombrosa precisión en la propia vida de Fitzgerald.

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About the author (2013)

F(rancis) Scott Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 24, 1896. He was educated at Princeton University and served in the U.S. Army from 1917 to 1919, attaining the rank of second lieutenant. In 1920 Fitzgerald married Zelda Sayre, a young woman of the upper class, and they had a daughter, Frances. Fitzgerald is regarded as one of the finest American writers of the 20th Century. His most notable work was the novel, The Great Gatsby (1925). The novel focused on the themes of the Roaring Twenties and of the loss of innocence and ethics among the nouveau riche. He also made many contributions to American literature in the form of short stories, plays, poetry, music, and letters. Ernest Hemingway, who was greatly influenced by Fitzgerald's short stories, wrote that Fitzgerald's talent was "as fine as the dust on a butterfly's wing." Yet during his lifetime Fitzgerald never had a bestselling novel and, toward the end of his life, he worked sporadically as a screenwriter at motion picture studios in Los Angeles. There he contributed to scripts for such popular films as Winter Carnival and Gone with the Wind. Fitzgerald's work is inseparable from the Roaring 20s. Berenice Bobs Her Hair and A Diamond As Big As The Ritz, are two short stories included in his collections, Tales of the Jazz Age and Flappers and Philosophers. His first novel The Beautiful and Damned was flawed but set up Fitzgerald's major themes of the fleeting nature of youthfulness and innocence, unattainable love, and middle-class aspiration for wealth and respectability, derived from his own courtship of Zelda. This Side of Paradise (1920) was Fitzgerald's first unqualified success. Tender Is the Night, a mature look at the excesses of the exuberant 20s, was published in 1934. Much of Fitzgerald's work has been adapted for film, including Tender is the Night, The Great Gatsby, and Babylon Revisited which was adapted as The Last Time I Saw Paris by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1954. The Last Tycoon, adapted by Paramount in 1976, was a work in progress when Fitzgerald died of a heart attack on December 21, 1940, in Hollywood, California. Fitzgerald is buried in the historic St. Mary's Cemetery in Rockville, Maryland. Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) nació en Minnesota, Estados Unidos. Es uno de los más destacados representantes, junto a William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway y John Dos Passos, de la Generación Perdida. Inició su carrera literaria con A este lado del Paraíso (1920), obra que le proporcionó un éxito inmediato. En 1922 publicó Cuentos de la era del jazz, colección de relatos donde se satirizan diversos aspectos de la vida norteamericana. El gran Gatsby, Suave es la noche y Hermosos y malditos son las tres grandes obras que lo encumbraron como uno de los mejores autores estadounidenses del siglo XX. Con carácter póstumo se publicó El jactancioso, colección de ensayos de signo autobiográfico.